Power bank with charging from the bicycle dynamo DYNABANK included a PASS function, which was able to send the battery voltage to the USB output without the inverter on and also the voltage from the rectifier during the ride. Since this feature proved to be of little use and also confused the connected device, this feature was removed. However, it is replaced with a modification that can automatically disconnect or switch on the USB output.

Since the connection of a mobile phone to USB while riding confused the mobile phone charging circuitry, a switch was added to the output of the 5V converter to disconnect this rectified voltage. It is thus possible to have the USB port still plugged in while riding and charging power bank without the connected device knowing it. And a feature has been added where if you switch the output inverter to 5V before riding (the power bank has only one inverter, which is used for both charging and 5V output), it will automatically switch to charging when there is voltage on the input from the dynamo (i.e. you start riding). After stopping, the 5V inverter is switched on again after a while, so there is no need to worry about manually switching on the charging of a mobile phone that is used for navigation during riding.

I'm sure you're wondering if it's more convenient to use a device that uses the battery as a buffer, converting the AC voltage of the dynamo to the battery voltage and from there directly to 5V for USB. This is partly true, but you have to take into account that a mobile phone can be recharged with more power than the dynamo can deliver, so there is still a draw from the battery buffer with lower efficiency. This is particularly advantageous when the mobile phone is fully charged and its power consumption is comparable to or less than the power of the dynamo. With DYNABANK, the two functions are separated and there is either charging of the power bank while riding or an automatic switch to charging the mobile phone while stationary. In addition, it has a higher capacity for charging other devices.



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